Elliot Health System

Elliot Health System
Elliot Health System is a non-profit organization serving the healthcare needs of the community since 1890. The largest provider of comprehensive healthcare services in Southern New Hampshire, Elliot Hospital, a 296-bed acute care facility and the first community hospital in the state serves as the cornerstone of the health system. Elliot is home to Manchester’s designated Regional Trauma Center, Elliot Breast Health Center, Elliot Urgent Care, a Level 3 Newborn Intensive Care Unit, Elliot Physician Network, Elliot Regional Cancer Center, the Elliot Senior Health Center, Visiting Nurse Association of Manchester and Southern New Hampshire, and Elliot 1-Day Surgery Center. For more information on any of Elliot’s services, call Elliot On-Call at 663-4567 or visit www.elliothospital.org