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The Business & Industry Association, New Hampshire’s statewide chamber of commerce and leading business advocate, announced the addition of DJ Burke to its staff in the role of manager of public policy and advocacy.

Angela King

New Hampshire manufacturers are keeping close watch on how the Trump administration's tariffs could affect their operations as ongoing trade negotiations create uncertainty that weighs upon them.

Michael Skelton

NH Senate unanimously passed SB 276, which will increase New Hampshire’s research and development tax credit and give an added boost to the state’s high-value advanced manufacturing and life sciences sectors. Senators also passed SB 106, a bill designed to strengthen manufacturers’ ability to participate in New Hampshire’s net energy metering program.

Rick Fabrizio

BIA leading coalition to back legislative policy changes

Housing prices are up 59% over the past four years, fourth highest among the states, and the median price of a single-family home is over $530,000. Chronic restrictions on residential building the past two decades created an imbalance so great that even those who can afford record prices are challenged to find a home in a competitive market with little inventory.

Michael Skelton

Strengthening connections is essential to an effective legislative process as respective sides debate issues rather than one another. The more people talk through issues the better we are as a business community, legislature and state. BIA's recent Chamber & Trade Association Legislative Strategy Summit and Meet the Legislators Networking Reception bring business leaders and lawmakers together.

Michael Skelton

The Business & Industry Association, New Hampshire’s statewide chamber of commerce and leading nonpartisan business advocate, announces changes to its public policy and advocacy team as part of its new long-term strategic plan.

Rick Fabrizio

Strengthening sector requires solving state's top challenges

A strong manufacturing sector is critical to economic success and that’s particularly true in New Hampshire. The multiplier effect of turning raw materials or parts into finished goods is unrivaled. From local jobs to research and development that drives innovation and increases productivity, manufacturing’s impact ripples throughout the economy.

Michael Skelton

BIA is ready to work with our newly elected and appointed officials to address Granite State businesses’ biggest challenges, and our recently released Business Leader Survey shines a spotlight on those challenges. Conducted in collaboration with the Center for Ethics in Society at Saint Anselm College, the survey polled more than 500 business owners and executives with respondents representing businesses of all sizes across every region of New Hampshire.

Michael Skelton

More than 1 in 4 workers in New Hampshire are age 55 and older, the highest percentage among the states. With this comes challenges to ensure the state replenishes its future workforce and takes advantage of opportunities to strengthen its current one.

Michael Skelton

Manufacturing stimulates more economic activity than any other sector as the multiplier effect from turning raw materials or parts into finished goods is unrivaled. New Hampshire is strong with innovative, high-tech production, advanced manufacturing and next-generation operations like bio-fabrication. However, the state must tackle significant challenges to achieve and sustain manufacturing growth and prosperity.

Michael Skelton

Annual Dinner and Awards Celebration on Oct. 23 to close out stellar career

Rick Fabrizio

Dedicated and compassionate work honored with BIA’s NH Advantage Award

The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester assists more than 11,000 community members annually with long- and short-term treatments under the guiding principles of treating everyone with respect, compassion and dignity. The private, nonprofit agency will receive BIA’s New Hampshire Advantage Award, sponsored by Bank of America.

Rick Fabrizio

NH Senate president to receive BIA’s Lifetime Achievement Award

For the past couple decades, Jeb Bradley was most often found in the halls of the New Hampshire State House or high atop White Mountain peaks. As the Senate president moves toward retirement many of his colleague praise his commitment to building bipartisan consensus and getting the done.

Rick Fabrizio

BIA, the statewide chamber of commerce and leading nonpartisan business advocate with over 400 members, is completing its four-part public policy roundtable talks in locations across New Hampshire. Our roundtables allow us to gather input from many of the state’s business leaders, more than 100 participants this year. Our 2024 talks coincide with the completion of the primary campaigns, and most notably the race for governor.

Michael Skelton

Senior advisor with Bernstein Shur one of most highly respected government affairs advisors in NH

Teresa Rosenberger, a senior advisor with Bernstein Shur, will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award at BIA’s 111th Annual Dinner and Awards Celebration, presented by Eversource, Oct. 23. David Greer, CEO of Wire Belt Company of America, and New Hampshire Senate President Jeb Bradley will also receive Lifetime Achievement Awards, sponsored by Whelen Engineering Company. The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester will receive BIA’s New Hampshire Advantage Award, sponsored by Bank of America.

Rick Fabrizio

Greer to receive BIA’s Lifetime Achievement Award

David Greer of Wire Belt Company of America will receive BIA’s Lifetime Achievement Award at our 111th Annual Dinner and Awards Celebration, presented by Eversource, Oct. 23. Teresa Rosenberger of Bernstein Shur, and New Hampshire Senate President Jeb Bradley will also receive Lifetime Achievement Awards. The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester will receive BIA’s New Hampshire Advantage Award.

Rick Fabrizio

Meagan Pariseau will serve as program and membership coordinator and be responsible for planning, managing and coordinating a variety of key membership and program initiatives essential to the growth and success of the BIA.

Rick Fabrizio

The New Hampshire Veteran-Friendly Business Network is made up of businesses, organizations, colleges and schools in the state that the N.H. Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services and N.H. Employment Security have recognized for their policies and practices that serve to empower and positively impact the lives of Granite State servicemembers, veterans and their families.

Michael Skelton

Awards to be bestowed at 111th Annual Dinner and Awards Celebration, presented by Eversource

The Business and Industry Association announced the 2024 recipients of its Lifetime Achievement and New Hampshire Advantage awards to be bestowed at its 111th Annual Dinner and Awards Celebration, presented by Eversource, Wednesday, Oct. 23.

Rick Fabrizio

The Business & Industry Association, along with leading national organizations like the National Association of Manufacturers and U.S. Chamber, have long argued for business regulations that are clear, concise and consistent. The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision overturning the “Chevron deference” precedent represents a major shift in the regulatory landscape for businesses, especially manufacturers, going forward.

Michael Skelton

More than 30 BIA members accompanied by staff will take part in our second annual D.C. Fly-In June 11-12. The Fly-In gives state business leaders exclusive access and insights into the issues, policies and politics impacting businesses at the federal level. And there’s a lot happening that could impact New Hampshire’s businesses and economy.

Michael Skelton

The U.S. Chamber was joined by 230 national associations and state and local chambers in a letter to the Federal Trade Commission requesting it stay the effective date of the Noncompete Rule to allow for judicial review.

Rick Fabrizio

BIA and state and local chambers across the country signed onto a letter to Congress sharing concerns with the American Privacy Rights Act (APRA). As currently drafted, the APRA fails to establish a meaningful uniform national data protection standard and undermines harmonized data privacy legislation already passed by 15 states.

Rick Fabrizio

Fourteen members honored with ‘Above & Beyond Awards’

The Business & Industry Association, New Hampshire’s statewide chamber of commerce and leading business advocate, elected officers and directors for 2024-2025, and honored outstanding volunteer members at its Annual Business Meeting Wednesday, May 15.

Rick Fabrizio

BIA's Coffee and Crossover, our halftime review of the legislative session, is Friday, April 12

The Business & Industry Association’s Coffee and Crossover, a fresh take on our popular halftime review of the legislative session, is Friday, April 12 in Concord. In a session that started with over 1,300 bills, there’s plenty of action ahead.

Michael Skelton

Michael Skelton, president and CEO, of the Business & Industry Association recently accepted a prestigious appointment to the U.S. Chamber’s advisory committee. The Chamber of Commerce Committee of 100 advises the chamber’s board of directors, enhances lobbying and coalition work, recommends programming, and strengthens outreach to the business and chamber communities.

Rick Fabrizio

The Business & Industry Association’s mission is to champion a competitive business climate and prosperous economic future for New Hampshire. Our mission often requires us to fight bills that may be well intentioned, but ultimately pose a threat to Granite State businesses, residents and the economy.

Kirsten Koch

The nascent U.S. manufacturing renaissance is bringing new opportunities to workers and businesses in New Hampshire and across the country, but there are a series of challenges, including a regulatory onslaught coming from Washington.

Michael Skelton

The House and Senate are back in session and will take up over 800 bills, many of which could help, or hurt, New Hampshire businesses and other employers. BIA is ready to advocate on issues such as workforce, housing and energy.

Kirsten Koch

Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., and Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind., have sponsored a bill, S.866, the American Innovation and Jobs Act, which would restore full expensing, increase the cap for the refundable R&D tax credit for small businesses and startups and expand eligibility for the credit.

Michael Skelton

Nonprofit that supports grieving children and families to receive BIA’s NH Advantage Award

Christine Phillips sits on a couch inside a beautiful Victorian house turned home of Friends of Aine’s Center for Grieving Children & Families. Christine, who co-founded the nonprofit agency with her husband David Phillips, talks about a dream come true in the wake of tragedy. The couple lost their daughter Aine suddenly and unexpectedly at age 8 in 2010.

Rick Fabrizio

Co-founder of Rath Young and Pignatelli will receive BIA’s Lifetime Achievement Award

Attorney Sherilyn Burnett “Sherry” Young, a founder, shareholder and past president of Rath, Young and Pignatelli, will receive the honor at BIA’s 110th Annual Dinner and Awards Celebration, presented by Eversource, Oct. 25 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Manchester.

Rick Fabrizio

Longtime senator will receive BIA’s Lifetime Achievement Award

Sen. Lou D’Allesandro has served in elected office in New Hampshire for more than 45 years including 13 consecutive terms in the state Senate. Known for his booming voice on roll call votes, the dean of the Senate is not done, saying, “As long as I’m producing positive results, I’ll keep it going.”

Rick Fabrizio

The U.S. manufacturing industry, backed by federal government support, is seeing historic private sector investment with the goal of reshoring manufacturing jobs lost over the last 50 years. However, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s new proposed regulations put that at risk.

Michael Skelton

Dean Christon to receive BIA’s Lifetime Achievement Award

Dean Christon was on the front lines of fighting New Hampshire’s fall into today’s housing crisis over his 34 years with NH Housing. The self-supporting public corporation has helped more than 55,000 families purchase their own homes and has been instrumental in financing the creation of more than 16,000 multifamily housing units. But much more is needed.

Rick Fabrizio

Presidential candidates are already beating a path through New Hampshire in the lead up to the “First in the Nation” primary. They’re discussing many national and international issues, but we hope they keep in mind perhaps the most prominent issue for Granite State businesses: The economy.

Rick Fabrizio

Dean Christon, Sen. Lou D’Allesandro, Sherry Young and Friends of Aine to be honored at 110th Annual Dinner

BIA announces the 2023 recipients of its prestigious Lifetime Achievement and New Hampshire Advantage awards to be presented at its 110th Annual Dinner and Awards Celebration, presented by Eversource, Wednesday, Oct. 25.

Rick Fabrizio

The “miracle” budget passed by New Hampshire lawmakers delivers results for Granite State employers and workers on several fronts and lawmakers deserve praise for rising above the partisan fray too typical these days.

Michael Skelton

The Business & Industry Association is excited to embark on our inaugural DC Fly-in this week, joining approximately 20 of our members to bring top business-related concerns to the nation’s capital.

Michael Skelton

BIA is pleased with the Senate's 24-0 vote to approve HB 1 and HB 2, the two-year state operating budget, and is now urging House leadership to support that plan and send it to the governor for his signature.

Rick Fabrizio

Eleven members honored with ‘Above & Beyond Awards’

Rick Fabrizio

New Hampshire is a great place to run a business, but the cost of electricity here is not among the attractions. Getting those costs down will require private and public action and an "all of the above" approach to new generation.

Michael Skelton

Carole Alfano will serve as director of member relations, a newly created position within the BIA, and will be responsible for coordinating the association’s outreach, recruitment and retention of member businesses across New Hampshire.

Rick Fabrizio

BIA backing housing and higher education investment, expanded Medicaid

Legislation that could significantly impact New Hampshire businesses has moved into the second half of the legislative session.

Michael Skelton

The N.H. House is set to vote on a proposed $15.9 billion, two-year state budget Thursday, April 6. The plan makes investments in top BIA priorities this session. BIA urges Republican and Democratic House members to support the budget, send it to the Senate for additional work keep the process moving forward.”

Rick Fabrizio

22 business leaders complete course to prepare them for continued success

The Business & Industry Association recently celebrated the graduates of its 2022-2023 Emerging Leaders Training Program.

Rick Fabrizio

Gov. Sununu, during his address Tuesday, Feb. 14, said his budget promotes New Hampshire as a hub of innovation to businesses across the nation, calling them the bedrock of New Hampshire’s communities.

Rick Fabrizio

As business and nonprofit enterprises in New Hampshire face an ultra-tight labor market, investing in their best and brightest employees can make the difference in retaining them. The Business & Industry Association’s Emerging Leader Training can give organizations the edge they need.

Rick Fabrizio

Will lead Maine Bankers Association

Jim Roche, CEO & president of the Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire since 2005, announced his departure from the statewide advocacy group to lead the Maine Bankers Association as its next president

Rick Fabrizio

The executive board of the Business and Industry Association, New Hampshire’s statewide chamber of commerce, added five business leaders to its board Thursday, June 17.

Rick Fabrizio

For employers, there’s a lot of “Do what I say” going on at the State House this legislative session. It’s not based on best practices or trusting employers to do what’s best for employees (their most important asset).

Susannah Chance

The Business and Industry Association is urging New Hampshire House legislators to pass Senate Bill 61, a bill establishing New Hampshire as a “Right to Work” state.

Rick Fabrizio

The Business and Industry Association, New Hampshire’s statewide chamber of commerce and leading business advocate, approved a new slate of officers and board members at the association’s Annual Business Meeting.

Rick Fabrizio

Gov. Chris Sununu will kick off the Business & Industry Association’s second annual New Hampshire Economic Summit, presented by Cambridge Trust, on Thursday, May 13.

Rick Fabrizio

The Business & Industry Association, New Hampshire’s statewide chamber of commerce and leading business advocate, announced the addition of Richard Fabrizio to its staff.

Rick Fabrizio

The PRO Act makes sweeping changes to federal labor laws, essentially rewriting the Labor Management Relations Act of 1947. Supporters say it would bolster collective bargaining rights, but opponents say it dramatically and unfairly tilts the carefully crafted balance between labor and management to unions.

David Juvet

The Executive Board of the Business and Industry Association voted to oppose language included in House Bill 2, the House-passed “trailer” bill of the state budget, relating to the “propagation of divisive concepts.”

David Juvet

The New Hampshire Legislature's delay in passing safe harbor protections against spurious lawsuits related to alleged contraction of COVID-19 in the workplace leaves businesses at risk.

Rick Fabrizio
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