2021 BIA Forum on Workforce Housing: New Hampshire's Housing Crisis and the Economy
2021 BIA Forum on Workforce Housing: New Hampshire's Housing Crisis and the Economy
Wednesday, October 6, 2021 (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM) (EDT)
Are high housing costs or inadequate apartment rental space impacting your ability to retain and/or recruit employees? Is New Hampshire's lack of affordable housing for working people hurting our economy? What are some practical options that the business community, housing advocates, and community planners can consider that will improve the availability of workforce housing in their communities?
All these questions and more will be explored during BIA’s annual Workforce Housing Forum sponsored by New Hampshire Housing. You will learn more about housing challenges in the Granite State; the impact of housing on hiring; how cost and availability of housing affects working professionals' decisions on where to live; and how communities are planning for their future housing needs.
Panelists include:
David Duncan, Vice President, Facilities Management, Dartmouth Hitchcock
Bill Weidacher, NH Association of Realtors
Greg Michael, Chair, State of New Hampshire Housing Appeals Board
Rob Dapice, Managing Director, Management & Development, New Hampshire Housing
The cost to attend the luncheon is $40 for BIA and BIA Capitol Connect members, and members of partnering organizations, regional housing coalitions, and all members of local or regional young professional organizations. $55 for non-members.
Presenting Sponsor
700 Elm Street
Manchester, NH 03101-2523 United States