BIA 2023 New Hampshire Energy Symposium

BIA 2023 New Hampshire Energy Symposium
Thursday, November 9, 2023 (8:30 AM - 4:00 PM) (EST)
In the 2023 New Hampshire Energy Symposium expert panelists will dive into important updates on local and federal energy policy, showcase emerging innovations in energy by BIA member companies, and explore solutions towards siting new projects in New Hampshire to enhance grid reliability and lower energy costs. As we look towards the future, infrastructure and sources in New Hampshire will require development and modernization to lower costs and meet the demands of tomorrow with increased electrification on the horizon.
Registration and Name Badge
Breakfast Sponsor
WiFi Sponsor
Lunch Sponsor
Afternoon Refreshment Break Sponsor
Morning Refreshment Break Sponsor
Networking Reception Sponsor
Supporting Sponsors
BIA members $125
Non-members $150
Cancellations accepted up until November 2nd, after that only substitutions allowed. Online pre-registration will close on November 8th at noon. Walk-ins will be allowed based on availability but there is a $25 surcharge and payment is due at the door. Please contact Lora McMahon at 603-224-5388 x101 with any questions.
70 Constitution Ave
Concord, NH 03301 United States